About For All

The name for our team comes from the closing ritual at the end of our meetings. We stand, put our arms around each other in a circle, take three deep breaths, and say together, “All For One, and One For All.” Team For All was formed in 2024 when all four of us joined EBCoM around the same time. Rather than visiting many other teams and trying to find the right fit, we jumped in with both feet and formed a team together.

Current Structure (as of Feb. 2025): We meet on Tuesdays in Berkeley, 7:30p-9:30p, with snacks and beverages. We rotate leadership at every meeting, and we begin with a check-in. From there, the leader guides us through business and a process, topic, or focus on a need in the group. We’re interested in having more members of our team. Once a month, we have a social gathering.

Mentor and lifetime honorary member: Alan Wick

The Team

Jeff Roberts

Coming soon…

Eric FizMedrud

I’m a father to three kids and a polyamorous husband to two life partners. I’m also bi and kinky. Professionally, I’m an award-winning author, therapist, a sex and relationship coach, and I’m expanding into white men’s racial identity development work. I’m in EBCoM because all my closest friends in the Bay Area moved away. I met several men at an East Bay Meditation Center retreat called “Healing the Father Wound,” and I appreciated that they were emotionally vulnerable to each other. I was going through a vulnerable time in my life and needed more people who could see what I was going through and give me hugs. I have gotten what I needed, and I’m committed to deepening the work in myself, on my team, and in this circle.

Gerald Cypert

Coming soon…

Eric Frothingham

Coming soon…