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Here’s a short video where I share what I’ve found:
2. Taking Responsibility
You alone hold the keys to your happiness. You may think you have valid excuses, but upon closer
inspection, you’ll find that your excuses are fabricated stories.
If I tell myself that I’m not successful because I don’t know enough, I will feel that thought. I’ll feel
hopeless and helpless.
But if I let that thought be, another thought will come along. There’s nothing I have to do to make it
go away.
You can whine, blame, and point your finger all you want, but it will only keep you stuck.
You can choose whether to take your mind seriously or not. You don’t have to engage in every
negative thought. You don’t have to believe in your thoughts about why you can’t pursue your
Here’s a video that dives deeper into this:
3. Personal Development … or Not
Learning how to live a happy life is about learning how you work.
By that I mean your thoughts, your health, and the path you are on.
You’re reading this article for a reason. You are here because your heart resonates with what I’m
Listen to that resonance, because it is your inner wisdom speaking to you.
You don’t have to read every personal development book out there. You don’t have to constantly
“work on yourself.”
I read the books that call out to me. There are periods where I won’t read a book for a year. I don’t
have to force myself to become better.
All I have to do is become quiet, and see what I feel inclined to do.
If you get stuck on always working on yourself, you get in the way of your happiness, because your
head is full of thoughts of trying to get somewhere.
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