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Alan Wick, 10/90 - March, 2023
I have been studying my own racism ever since George Floyd was killed (May, 2020). Here
is a website that might interest some of you:
Diane Goodman is an educator, consultant, facilitator, speaker, author, and activist, who
has been addressing issues of diversity and social justice for over 30 years.
There are goodies on her website under "Resources" > "Free Materials", including:
1. Costs of Oppression to People from Privileged Groups
2. The Joy of Unlearning Privilege/Oppression for People from Privileged Groups
Some Thoughts on Finding a Balance Between Desire and Acceptance
Steve Rein, B Team
-- Considering that some form of "desire" is actually "craving" for that which we want but
do not have, a "Buddistish" view is that such craving is the basis of all suffering. And it
follows that letting go of the desire and craving for "things to be different than they are" --
that is, acceptance of things as they are -- would eliminate (at least some) suffering. Pretty
simple, or maybe just simple enough for me to grab on to.
-- But what about a desire to be a better man, or a desire to raise children and have a
family? What about desiring a better job or taking a great vacation? Can we want good
health without suffering for that desire? How about our desire to be of service to others?
-- Paradox: Even striving to become "enlightened" requires effort and desire.
-- Thank you, Jeff, for the idea of not trying to get rid of desire, but simply noticing and
being aware of your wantings and feelings, or simply being more conscious.
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