A message from Clayton Thiel – our Community Service Chief (coming soon).
COMMUNITY SERVICE @ East Oakland Boxing Association (EOBA). On a rainy Tuesday morning 3/13/18, EBCoM men showed up to assist in unloading the pallets and container and setting up for the monthly food distribution at the East Oakland Boxing Association (EOBA). This food distribution is an ongoing activity at EOBA that serves hundreds of needy families in east Oakland. Kudos to Rob, Mark, Terry, and Ken, one of our recent initiates. Also, special recognition to Tom for making the best use of a hand truck with a flat tire.
EOBA volunteers Cerise, Isa, Lucy, Jay and Rae helped direct our activities and worked with us on this important project. Hundreds of boxes and cans of food were organized, stacked and staged for the food distributing occurring the next day. Fresh vegetables were also moved inside and staged for distribution.
This was another in a series of our recent Community Service activities with EOBA. The more we work with them, the more impressed we are with the difference they are making in their community and the privilege we have in making even these small contributions in support their efforts.
~Steve Rein